Fresh Air, Please

As people refresh their homes for spring, they might be tempted to fill their homes with artificial floral scents or swap out the cinnamon and pine-scented remnants of the holiday season for “springier” scented room sprays, candles, and other gadgets.

We asked Erin MacNeill, Designer and Owner of Willow and Grove Design to share her thoughts on resetting rooms for spring and summer. She said, “I am not a fan of artificial scents in a home.  The most magical piece of spring is the incredible weather it usually brings.  Open those windows!”

Instead of filling a room with a scented spray, MacNeill advised, “Air your space out with fresh air. Artificial scents or fragrances are not overly healthy for us. I am all for a beautiful-smelling candle but choose one that uses high-quality ingredients that are not harmful.”

Studies show that artificial fragrances, particularly aerosols, have adverse health effects, especially on pregnant women, infants, and children. Problems can range from contact dermatitis to headaches to depression. Air freshening sprays actually mask odors and fill the air with chemicals, reducing air quality. Click here for more information.

Even candles can release toxins into the air. To get the most natural candle, look for candles made from soy, coconut, or bees wax, and scented with natural essential oils. Read more about eliminating room odors and using safe scents here.

Willow and Grove is an advertising partner with To read more about spring home trends, click here. To read about controlling clutter in your home, click here.