As you may know or are learning, when you find out you are pregnant you now have lots to plan for: from how you want your ideal pregnancy to look, your ideal birth, nursery theme, how you want to feed your baby and so much more. A major part we should be preparing for is birth. Birth is a monumental, sacred, and major turning point in your life. Creating a birth plan or road map can be a great way to not only educate yourself on options but also prepare you for the big day. Birth can be unpredictable and sometimes even scary, however having a plan and maybe even a plan B can help you overcome and conquer your fears.
Plan Ahead
Birth plans for a natural birth should include your preferences for all 4 stages of labor. The first stage is when your cervix is dilating, the second stage is the birth of your baby, the third stage is delivering your placenta and the fourth is your immediate postpartum period with your newborn baby. You can also create a birth plan for a cesarean section. Even though this may look different, there are still preferences and options for you and your baby. If you are planning a natural birth, it is recommended that you review cesarean section preferences just in case and write them down for your partner. This can help you overcome any sudden changes in your original plan, knowing you have a backup plan.
While you research your options for your birth plan, this can help you become educated and informed to also help you navigate change as your labor progresses. Some different options you can research for your birth plan can be natural pain relief techniques, labor positions, epidurals, IVs, delayed cord clamping, newborn procedures, the golden hour, etc. Your doula can also help provide resources and guide you through the creation of your birth plan. Having a doula present can also help ensure your birth plan is followed and respected by your healthcare provider and birth team.
Story by Tayler Morrison for

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