Gentle Cesarean

Gentle Cesarean

Whether you are planning and scheduling a cesarean or it is a sudden change in plans, knowing you still have options can be incredibly helpful. While every hospital will have different
procedures and protocols, you can still request different options from your care team.
Depending on the reason you are having a cesarean can also change what options will be best for you. Even if you do not plan a cesarean, it never hurts to discuss these things with your
provider just in case. Knowing you have a plan in place no matter what can help you navigate change and reduce your stress.

Request a Gentle Cesarean

A gentle cesarean can be performed in different ways. To start, you may request that the drape be lowered to watch the birth of your baby or that a clear drape be put up instead. You can
also request listening to your own music or for the staff to narrate what they are doing. Some other ideas would be requesting that your hands be kept out of restraints and for immediate skin-to-skin with the baby. You can also request delayed cord clamping and delayed newborn assessments.

Advocate for Yourself

Every hospital will have different policies on what they allow so talking to your care team and advocating for yourself is crucial. You can also request your doula be present along with your partner. A doula can provide support to you and your partner when you are having a cesarean.

Plan for Surprises

While your birth may be different than planned, you can still advocate for your options and choices. Knowing your options and researching ahead of time can be crucial in any birth.
You may request all of these things be done, or none of them. You always have the option to make choices and advocate for them. Gentle cesarean preferences can be even written about
in your birth plan. Planning for urgent, unwanted, or uncommon situations can help you navigate birth with ease and improve your mindset. If you have planned a cesarean, these are always great things to think about, research, and make decisions on with your healthcare provider.

Story by Tayler Morrison for

All content of is for informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.