Making the most of a c-section

Making the Best of a C-Section

While many mamas dread the word “cesarean”, it is still a very real occurrence that moms face when giving birth. A cesarean section (otherwise known as c-section) is a surgical procedure done to birth a baby through an incision in the mother’s abdomen. Nearly a third of all births in the U.S. are c-sections.

C-Sections Happen

A c-section may be done for a few reasons such as a breech baby, health complications, or others. Your healthcare provider will help you determine the course of action you may need to take. Some c-sections are scheduled while others are sudden, urgent, or an emergency.

A doula can support you in your c-section regardless of whether it is scheduled or a sudden change in plans. A doula can support you by offering emotional support, physical support, advocacy for mom and baby, partner support, newborn support, request gentle cesarean techniques for mom, and assistance initiating breastfeeding and skin-to-skin immediately. While every hospital and provider has different procedures and techniques, your doula can advocate for you to still have a positive experience and work to minimize trauma.

Partner Support

It is understandable that a c-section can be scary for not just you but your partner as well. Doulas can provide support to your partner as well as go to the baby when they are born to ensure your wishes are respected. Another option is that your partner can go to the baby and your doula can continue to support you as the surgery is completed.

Be Prepared

When interviewing doulas, a great question to ask is how they plan to support you during a c-section if necessary. Every doula will be different and ensuring you are both on the same page is key!

Story by Tayler Morrison for

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