Navigating Postpartum

Navigating Postpartum

The postpartum period can be such an important time in your life as well as your baby’s and your family’s. As your body recovers, your hormones will be changing as well as your baby
adjusting to the new world. This can be incredibly beautiful yet challenging. Preparing yourself during pregnancy for postpartum can be helpful.


You can prepare nourishing freezer meals as well as prepare yourself an area for middle-of-the-night feeds and diaper changes. If you did not get a chance to do this during your pregnancy, that is okay. Simplicity can be key and is oftentimes a great option for everyone.

Start with nourishing your mind and body. Eat warm healthy meals, stay hydrated, rest when you can, don’t rush, and remember to take time for yourself. Some of these may be easier said than done, however, implementing them slowly when you are ready is key.

Slow Down

It may seem impossible to take time for yourself. This could be as easy as sitting outside in the morning for 15 minutes before everyone wakes up. You may also have many visitors wanting to come to meet your new family member. It is okay to decline these visits till you are ready. But also you can have these visitors help with tasks if you need. Counting on your partner and village can help you greatly. Your partner can be a huge help and don’t be afraid to ask for help. We all need help
from time to time and that is okay. Postpartum mood disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.) can be very real and it is important that you are able to discuss your thoughts and feelings with your partner as well. A healthy and happy mom is the biggest thing for your baby. Follow your intuition and mothering instincts. If you or your partner have any concerns you can always reach out to a trusted healthcare provider as well for further support.

Story by Tayler Morrison for

All content of is for informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.