Simple Steps Regardless of whether this is your first pregnancy or your tenth, there will be some simple steps you will need to take when you get your first positive […]
Tag: childbirth
Huron Academic Endeavors Launches Little Endeavors for Infants and Moms
Playgroups are Essential Playgroups are essential for both parents and children. The connections made at playgroups can last a lifetime. Huron Academic Endeavors, which offers a hybrid homeschool program from […]
What’s a Lactation Consultant?
IBCLC An IBCLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. These women are skilled and undergo rigorous training and education to hold this title. An IBCLC specializes in breastfeeding and […]
How to Improve Postpartum Sleep
You have probably heard the phrase “oh just sleep when the baby sleeps”. While this may work for some, this doesn’t always work especially if you have other children to […]
Cesarean Recovery
A cesarean section, otherwise known as a c-section, is a surgical procedure done to deliver a baby without the mother having to push the baby out. An incision is made […]
How to Support Mom During and After Labor
Every birth partner will be different, some may be pros and others may not know what to do. Your birth partner’s support through labor and delivery can be incredibly beneficial. […]
Prenatal Yoga
Body and Mind Taking care of your body and mind can be essential throughout your pregnancy. We need to take care of our body so it is healthy and prepared […]
Gentle Cesarean
Whether you are planning and scheduling a cesarean or it is a sudden change in plans, knowing you still have options can be incredibly helpful. While every hospital will have […]
Doula Support For Birth Partners
More often than not, when we think of doulas we think of them supporting mothers. While this is true, doulas also can be an incredible support for birth partners as […]
Navigating the Fourth Trimester
Throughout your pregnancy, you probably became very familiar with weeks, dates, and trimesters. But one we don’t hear as much about is the fourth trimester. The fourth trimester is considered […]
Interview: The Benefits of Hypnobirthing
Shelby Vinson is a hypnobirthing instructor located in St. Clair County, Michigan and owner of SC Empowered Birth. I had the privilege of asking her some questions to further explain […]
Baby Registry Tips
Necessities As you progress through your pregnancy it is easy to become overwhelmed with all of the latest baby gadgets and accessories. Instead of becoming overwhelmed, start with the necessities. […]
What is “The Golden Hour”?
Welcome, Baby The golden hour can be simply put as the uninterrupted hour following childbirth while the newborn lays on the mother’s chest with skin-to-skin contact. The golden hour can […]
Creating a Birth Plan
As you may know or are learning, when you find out you are pregnant you now have lots to plan for: from how you want your ideal pregnancy to look, […]