Spring has definitely sprung and early wildflowers are abundant. You can take a walk anywhere to look at the wildflowers (dandelions count), but how fun would it be to take a guided hike through the woods with an expert?
If that sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday morning, mark your calendar for the Spring Wildflower walk on Saturday, May 13th at Columbus County Park.
The park, located at 1670 Bauman Road, in Columbus, Michigan, has a nice selection of Trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Dutchman’s breeches, Trout Lilies, and more. Of course, there’s no picking the flowers, just looking and learning.
Hikers will be led by naturalist Mary Kay Weber. The sponsor, Friends of the St. Clair River, has tailored this hike for beginners and families. The hike is free and registration is not required. Dress for the weather and be mindful of ticks (long pants and boots). For more information, email Brooke Hiller at brooke@scriver.org. More information can be found here.
Registration is not required. The hike takes place at Columbus County Park and begins from the parking area in front of the lodge. Dress for the weather and for tick season. Long pants and hiking boots are recommended. Email Brooke Hiller at brooke@scriver.org for more information. Details can be found here.