College is not cheap. In fact, it’s extremely expensive. But The Athletic Factory in Port Huron is here to help.
Not Optional
Filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) on time and correctly is the only way to qualify for federal grants and even loans. Most colleges won’t disburse academic or athletic scholarships until they have students’ FAFSA data. Free community college that is available to many students requires completion of the FAFSA, as do the Michigan Reconnect scholarships and Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
Help is Available
The Athletic Factory offers free workshops to help families navigate the process of completing the FAFSA and establishing eligibility for programs like TIP (Tuition Incentive Program) for students who have received government assistance at some point in their lives.
Tax records, personal identification documents, and financial records for both parents are all required for completing the FAFSA.
Register Today
Go to to register. The FAFSA can only be completed online. The Athletic Factory will have help and resources so students can get on track for getting all the help possible to make college dreams a reality.

Story by Jennie McClelland for