Simple Steps
Regardless of whether this is your first pregnancy or your tenth, there will be some simple steps you will need to take when you get your first positive pregnancy test. It may be overwhelming so keeping things simple will be key as you navigate the beginning of this beautiful journey. The first step you may take is to announce it to your partner. Having someone to share the excitement with will be a great step. They can also offer you support throughout the next steps.
Make that First Prenatal Appointment
Another great step is to contact your provider to schedule your first appointment. Whether you are a new patient or returning, many offices will book at least a few weeks out so it is important to get scheduled so you are established. A very important step to take in this process is to begin taking a prenatal vitamin. There
are many great options on the market, just getting started with one is a great step and you can try others as you learn more. Sometimes your provider may also be able to prescribe you avitamin to take as well.
Calculate Due Date
One thing you will do early on as well is calculate your due date. There are threecommon ways to do so. You can get your due date from the date of your last missed period, a dating ultrasound, or conception date. Your provider will more than likely go off of a dating scan or date of your last missed period.
Manage Symptoms
You may not have many now but in the upcoming weeks, you may begin to experience some early pregnancy symptoms. Learning how to manage these best will be a great start. Some women experience a variety of symptoms such as nausea, food aversions, etc. and some women may not experience any symptoms. Some other great steps to take will be discussing with your partner when you will announce your pregnancy, increasing your water intake, cutting out alcohol, light exercise, etc. Just go day by day and take a step or two at a time. You are embarking on a beautiful journey that may be easy for some and may be a challenge for others and giving yourself grace will be most important.
Story by Tayler Morrison for
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