Certified Doula, Tayler Morrison shares expert tips on packing a bag for the hospital when having a baby.
Start Early
While some may enjoy this task, others may feel stressed and overwhelmed. This can be an easy, stress-free task to prepare for your little one’s big day! You will want to begin preparing your bags around 36-37 weeks to ensure you are ready. While many babies will come late, it never hurts to be prepared just in case so there is no stress when the time comes.
Packing for Two
Start with the essentials for mom. Toiletries, phone charger, slippers, glasses/contacts, etc. This will get you started with the must-haves that you use daily. Then think about what you will want to wear when you deliver the baby, while you are in the hospital and what you’ll want to wear when going home. Then you can think about your essentials and preferences for labor such as a birth ball, pillow from home, blanket, essential oils, portable fan, etc. Break down step-by-step what you absolutely need and then move on to the little things that aren’t necessities.
Don’t Forget Dad
Next, you will want to pack for your birth partner. Their bag should be much simpler as they can pack lightly with just their essentials. Their bag should include toiletries, slippers, clothes, pajamas, a phone charger, etc. They may also want to bring some comfort items from home such as a pillow, blanket, maybe a book, change for vending machines, etc.
Don’t Forget the Car Seat
Then you will want to pack for the baby. Their bag will mostly depend on your preferences. The hospital will more than likely provide diapers, wipes, Vaseline, soap, swaddles, etc. However, if you have your own preferences you may want to put these in a baby’s bag. You will also want to consider what the baby will wear at the hospital and going home. Make sure you bring clothing for the baby that is car seat-safe and suitable for the temperatures outside. Lastly, you may want to bring a pacifier, your own blankets, signs, etc. Of course, don’t forget the car seat!
Make it Fun
Packing your bags may seem daunting but going step by step for each person can simplify this task and even make it fun. Consider everyone’s needs, wants, and comfort items to ensure you are all as comfortable as possible. If something is forgotten there are always the options to have it brought to you or having your partner get it from the store or home. This can be an exciting time so making it as stress-free as possible can make this an enjoyable task as you prepare for your little one’s arrival.
Story by Tayler Morrison for BlueWaterParent.com
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