What is "The Golden Hour"?

What is “The Golden Hour”?

Welcome, Baby

The golden hour can be simply put as the uninterrupted hour following childbirth while the newborn lays on the mother’s chest with skin-to-skin contact. The golden hour can look different for many families. Some families may request delayed cord clamping, delaying newborn assessments, and delaying bathing the newborn. Every mom will have her preferences and requests and those may change through labor, delivery, and postpartum.

Closer Mother-Baby Bonding

It has been proven that the golden hour can promote bonding between mother and baby, higher success rates of breastfeeding, decreased stress levels for both mother and baby, as well as the newborn having an easier time regulating their body temperature. Newborn assessments can either be delayed or performed on the mother’s abdomen. Where you choose to birth will have different protocols; it is recommended you consult your provider prior to labor with your preferences. Having the golden hour preferences written down in your birth plan can also be beneficial.

Plan Ahead

Birth is unpredictable, the golden hour can vary and change from each birth and situation. Researching each option and creating a birth plan can greatly improve your overall birthing experience into your postpartum period. Discussing each option and your goals with your provider is crucial as well as making sure your care team at your birth location is aware as well. Having a supportive partner and doula can also improve outcomes as they can advocate for this golden hour while you are recovering from childbirth.

Story by Tayler Morrison for BlueWaterParent.com.

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