Why do I need Childbirth Education?

Why Do I Need Childbirth Education?

Childbirth education is simply education you receive on childbirth. Your education can range from books, films, in-person courses, or virtual courses. There are many great options. However, selecting the right course for you is important. There are many courses offered at
hospitals, birthing centers, and private one-on-one courses.

Why bother with CBE?

Childbirth education can be important for many aspects of your birth. You can learn more about what exactly is happening in your body, as well as how to cope, help labor progress, and learn more about the risks & benefits of interventions. You can also learn how to advocate for yourself and your baby when needed. Not only are these classes great for you but they are also great for birth partners to attend as well. The knowledge gained from these classes can be invaluable when it comes time to birth your baby.

What works for you?

Before you pick a childbirth education course, think about how you learn best. Do you prefer hands-on? Do you prefer lectures? Do you prefer reading? Do you prefer one-on-one learning, small groups, etc? After you think about these basics you can begin to narrow down your options. Hospital classes are typically free or low-cost. Every hospital’s course will be different so researching your options is important. Birth center classes are great resources. They more often than not will be giving you information on all aspects of birth. Every center will be different based on the care they aim to provide. Private childbirth education can come in many forms. If you have a doula she can teach you a lot and may even include childbirth education services. Otherwise, you can find an educator online or in your community.

Do Your Research

There are now many wonderful online childbirth education courses that you can complete at your own pace. There
are also educators who teach in-person classes. These classes may be in a group setting within the community or can be one-on-one. I recommend researching each course you come across and finding the one that aligns best with your views and goals.
While every course will be different, some may teach just the basics and others are more comprehensive. Many private courses may also teach breathing techniques, labor positions,
natural induction methods, pain-coping techniques, meditation, yoga, etc. Having a firm understanding of your own goals and desires is the first big step to deciding on which childbirth
education course you wish to take. Doing your research before can also be beneficial. It is a big investment that can shape your experience and guide you into motherhood.

Story by Tayler Morrison for BlueWaterParent.com

All content of BlueWaterParent.com is for informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.