Donate Coats; Tour Hollyhock

If you haven’t turned on the heat or put away the beach bag, your optimism is remarkable. For those who have accepted that fall is here for good, it would be a good time to go through the coat closet and bag up those outgrown or no-longer-worn coats.

Donating your gently-used coats has a new twist this year, with the chance to take a tour of the Hollyhock Coast Guard ship while donating coats to be distributed by Port Huron Schools. You read that right. You show up with a coat donation and you get a tour of the Hollyhock. The Hollyhock is leaving Port Huron to make way for a new Coast Guard Cutter, so this is probably the last call for chances to check out the ship.

The Hollyhock will be open for tours and coat donations this weekend, October 7-9, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.