Learning Adventures Preschool Plans Meet & Greets

Learning Adventures Preschool and Child Care has had a busy summer so far with renovating their facility and hiring teaching staff for their grand opening in August. The center is located at 901 Michigan Avenue, Suite A, in Marysville and is owned and operated by Cassie Nickels. You can read about the center here.

Learning Adventures has scheduled some Parent/Family/Staff Meet and Greets. They are planned for:
*Wednesday, July 26th at 10 am
*Tuesday, August 1st at 3 pm
*Thursday, August 3rd at 5:30 pm

Owner Cassie Nickels said, “You only need to plan on trying to attend one of the meet and greets. They will last about an hour in length but you can come and go as you please. These are set up for parents to come in, meet the teachers and myself, bring the kiddos, and check on paperwork. Plan for about fifteen minutes but you’re welcome to stay the whole time as well.”

Learning Adventures has a referral bonus and still has some space available in the Young Explorers program and Preschool/PreK! If you refer a family and you are in a full-day program, you and the other family will receive $25/week for 4 weeks after 30 days enrolled. If you refer a family and you’re in a 3s or 4s program (9-11:30 am or 12:30-3 pm), you and the other family will receive $25 off your second month of enrollment with Learning Adventures.

Learning Adventures is an advertising partner with BlueWaterParent.com.