Michigan Parents’ Council Makes Education Recommendations

BlueWaterParent.com has reported throughout the fall on the formation of the Michigan Parents’ Council, The Council offered a survey to interested parents in the state. The Council has met and reviewed the survey and has developed policy priorities.

According to a press release from Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the Council held roundtable meetings in seven Michigan cities and connected with over 13,500 parents representing all counties in Michigan and over 500 school districts.

In her press release, Whitmer reported the following policy recommendations:

  • Prioritize and support access to student mental health and school safety funding for schools in the state budget, including funds for counselors and social workers, school programming, and curricula   
  • Provide schools with the resources and flexibility to meet the unique learning needs of every student   
  • Continue supporting creative teacher recruitment and certification funding strategies   
  • Expand opportunities for parents and students to give feedback on state and local education policy and budget initiatives   

The full report can be found here.